When showing Flemish Giants, there is a set of guidelines used called the “Standard Of Perfection”. While these details vary between the American (ARBA) & British (BRC) Associations, they are quite specific & heavily depended upon by judges & exhibitors alike. Flemish Giants, as well as every other breed, are judged on the type, size, & conformity of their bodies. Each part of the rabbit is allotted a possible total of points. Those points are then to be combined & as such, used as a rating-scale when determing which Flemish is the best presented. (In addition – all show rabbits must have a permanent tattoo in their right ear.)


General Condition – 55
Body – 35
Head – 7
Ears – 4
Eyes – 2
Feet and Legs – 6
Tail – 1
Fur – 15
Color – 20
Condition – 10
Total = 100 possible points per rabbit

BODY: The body should be long and powerful, with broad shoulders, midsection, hindquarter, & have a definitive mandolin shape. While size is important, complete balance throughout the body is higher-desired. Flemish should not be fat, but should be muscular & well toned. Bucks heads are permissibly larger than does, & does may have a full, large dewlap that is carried evenly.FAULTS: pinched hindquarters, narrow shoulders, and flabby/fat body. DQ’s: length under 20” on Sr’s, blocky type, & no arch
steel-gray-shows-flemish-giantHEAD:Massive, blocky-style heads in proportion to body size is desired on bucks; does are permissibly smaller, or slightly snipey, but still should be in proportion to body.

EARS: Bucks & does are required to have a strong ear base, with heavy, erect ears that are no less than 5 ¾” on Sr aged rabbits. – Permanent, legible tattoo must be present in the left ear. FAULTS: thin, tipped or lopped ears, & weak ear bases. DQ’s: ears that fail to reach 5 ¾” length on seniors

EYES: Tranquil, peaceful expression shown

FEET and LEGS: Large, straight, powerful, & strong with even-colored toenails on all varieties except white.
DQ’s: fine or thin bone, weak or bent ankles, short legs, cow hocks, and mis-matched toenails when compared from one foot to the other foot

TAIL: Proportionate to body size, carried erect

FUR: Glossy, full, dense, bright, & roll’s back into original position when brushing or hand is moved in back-wards sweeping motion, uniform in length, & free from molt (not shedding). FAULTS: fur that is long, soft, thin or ‘flying’

COLOR: Sandy, Fawn, White, Light Grey, Steel Grey, Blue, & Black (*also see “Varieties” section)

FAULTS ON ALL VARIETIES: stray white hairs, off-colored fur on feet & legs, shadow bars
SANDY: heavy, dark ticking, smut, slate blue undercolor is ok but not desired.
WHITE: yellow cast, stains
LIGHT GREY: dark grey surface color on belly, sandy or brassy color on body
STEEL GREY: brown cast, black patches, belly undercolor matching body BLACK: ticking or brownish cast
BLUE: ticking or brownish cast
FAWN: ticking, reddish belly color, ear lacing, smut, light patches, and excessively wide eye circles


According to the British Standards, Flemish Giants are classified as a Fancy Breed.

Ring Size H
Colour – 30
Size and Weigh – 20
Body – 15
Legs and Feet – 15
Head and Ears – 10
Coat and Condition – 10
Total = 100 points possible per rabbit

COLOUR: Fur must be dark steel grey with even or wavy ticking covering the full body, head, ears, chest, & feet. Belly and underside of tail is to be white. (*also see Colour Description below)
DQ’s: Any grey, steel, sandy or other shade on belly or under tail, other than grey crotch markings,

SIZE & WEIGHT: Sr bucks minimum weight is 11pounds (4.974kg) & sr does are not to be less than 12pounds (5.44kg) & size should be proportionate to weight.

BODY: Large, wide & flat with broad shoulder & hindquarters. Does shall have an evenly carried dewlap.

LEGS & FEET: Length should be in proportion to body, heavy bone, large & straight. Feet should be veltety, dark, & ticked; ticking must show when rubbed back.

HEAD & EARS: The head should be large, full, & shapely; dark face is allowed. Eyes are to be bold & dark brown. Ears are to be erect.

COAT & CONDITION: Fur shall be short and not molting, flesh shall be firm & moderately thick.

INTERMEDIATE CLASS: to be judged by above standards, but not be over 6 months in age. Maximum weight for bucks & does is to be under the above stated minimum weight standards for sr giants.

COLOUR DESCRIPTION: The undercoat should be blue at the base, for a little more than 1/3rd of the fur length, then black, merging into a creamy or bluish-white ticking that may be black tipped. In evenly tipped rabbits, the mixture should show ½ grey & ½ black tipped hairs over half of the body, neck, face, & ears, and may be mixed with longer black hairs; even & wavy ticked are both allowed. The whole animal should be uniform in color with the underpart colours to be white with a blue base. Tail should be ticked rather than dark on top with a white underside colour.
