1. How can I tell if my bunny is sick?
a. Sick rabbits will typically be lethargic; often times he will just sit in one spot & wont come to you when greeted. His appetite will have slowed down or he may stop eating. There may also be a change in his fecal droppings. However, if at any time your rabbit does not act like his normal self, you should automatically suspect there is a problem & examine him immediately.
2. What do I do if my Flemish stops eating?
a. If your giant has any changes in appetite, offer him hay & a small amount of his favorite treat. If he refuses his favorite treat, there is a problem. At this time, a further examination will need to be done to figure out what the problem most likely is, & by that, you will then have a better idea of what needs to be done to treat him.
3. Why is my rabbit making a terrible screaming noise?
a. This is an emergency! They only make that noise when they are in severe pain or dying. You must act very fast. Find the problem, & either get him to the vet immediately or be prepared for self-treatment.
4. Can my two bucks live together in the same hutch/cage?
a. No. As soon as one or both become sexually mature, they will become aggressive towards the other one which can lead to injury or possibly even death . This is true regardless of the relationship of the rabbits.
b. If both have been neutered, yes, they can usually live together without problems, however even then, this is not 100% guaranteed.
5. Why is it not safe to feed my rabbit iceburg lettuce?
a. Iceburg lettuce has no nutrional value at all; instead, if is highly water-based & will cause the rabbit to get diarrhea, which will cause him to dehydrate, & that would end in death.
6. How old do Flemish Giants need to be before they are ready to be sold / bought?
a. Flemish Giants develop more slowly than the smaller breeds do. Because of this, they need to stay with their mom until they are 12 weeks old . *Please do NOT ever purchase or sell any rabbit before it is 8 weeks old… it is even illegal to do so in some areas.
7. Can I use any basic over-the-counter insecticide on my Flemish?
a. No. Rabbits are extremely sensitive. Unless prescribed by a licensed vet or you are otherwise certain that it is ok, you should always assume that it is not safe to use any such product on any rabbits. The best / most common treatment for anything involving parasites is Ivermectin, which is available in several different forms.
8. If I am hand-rearing my baby Flemish, what can I use to feed him with?
a. You can use a kitten-milk formula which can be purchased from pet stores; some breeders have also had success with using Goat’s milk as a replacement or – foster them off to another doe who is nursing a litter (best option).
9. How can I tell if my giant is growing at a good rate?
a. The average giant should weigh approximately 5 pounds by the time it is 8 weeks old, & should gain approximately 1-2 pounds per month up to 8 months of age. At that point, growth will commonly be at a much slower pace.
10. How do I stop my giant from nipping &/or biting?
a. Have patience and be consistent; do not hit or be mean to him – as this will just be reacted to with more aggression, but let him know that you are the one in charge & that biting is not acceptable. Giants can learn what “no” means, just as they can also learn that if they bite & you allow them to bully you, then they can be in charge
11. What is the best brand of feed for Giants?
a. This is an age old question & can often end in an age old argument; the truth, however, is that there is *no* hard facts of any kind from any feed that proves that it is, without question or doubt, the absolute best feed that there is. It simply is a trial & error process.
12. How often can I give my giant treats?
Safe treats should be given in small amounts, with moderation. In other words, just because your furry pal loves bananas or romaine lettuce, you shouldn’t let him have an unlimited supply of it. Doing so can cause health problems, as well as leading up to an obese bunny, which also is not healthy. The general rule of thumb is to offer a 2-3 inch piece of whatever is being offered, or the equivalent of that, for example – a 2.5” piece of raw sweet potato, carrot, or banana would be the equivalent of 4 or 5 seedless grapes, or 7-8 unsweetened raisins. Furthermore, it is safe to offer such treats on the average of 3 times per week.